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Looking Back and Forward


My husband hates New Years. He thinks that its silly to celebrate the calendar. I agree to a degree. I'm not a fan of the New Years parties that are just people getting drunk for the sake of getting drunk and all the drunk driving. But I think its a good time to take stock of the year that has passed and the year ahead.

2019 was an interesting year. My husband and I officially moved back to Minnesota from Illinois. It was an adjustment moving back in with my parents! But it has been good. Both my parents and my husband and I have been able to travel more this past year because there is someone to watch the animals. Vacations had been limited for my husband and I because we had a hard time finding someone to watch our farm in Illinois. We were able to go on a Caribbean cruise, go to Vegas, take my in-laws on a trip to San Diego, check the Freedom Trail off of my bucket list with a trip to Boston and went to Disney World!

We are looking forward to some more traveling in 2020. My husband and I are going to being going on a cruise is a couple of weeks and spending some time in Florida after the cruise. My parents are going to go to Mexico with friends for a couple of weeks. Then the trip last year with my in-laws was great. My husband has decided that instead of presents this year to my in-laws for birthday, Christmas and anniversary, we will taking another trip with them in the spring. It will be a cruise to the Bahamas. Then my parents are going on a cruise over my mom's birthday! It is definitely nice to be able to take advantage of this time.

2019 brought us some new babies. We had Sugar, Ferdinand, Tito and Carmelo born on the farm.

We also brought the goats up from Illinois, brought home a baby Nigerian Dwarf goat, Nova, and bought a new buck Boots. My husband also bought me Winnie the Moo!

We also lost some of our creatures. My horse, Truffles, had to be put down this summer. She had bad arthritis and went down and couldn't get back up. We also lost a few alpacas. We are just starting to get to the point of our farm that we have 'geriatric' alpacas. This means we are having some alpacas die from old age. Disa, Espresso, Felix and Split all passed away this year.

Over the past year we have hosted more Open Houses and farm events. These have been great. Good turnouts and happy people.

We are looking forward to hosting more events, gatherings and even classes!

We look forward to seeing you this new year!

XO- Dani


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