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October Open Houses


We had a great Open House last weekend and tomorrow we hope to have another great day!

The boys had some good times going for walks. We had Solomon, Dega, E.T. and Emerson out for walks. Dega and Solomon typically go on walks together. Solomon gets upset when separated from Dega, who is his BFF. So when people pay for 2 alpacas to go on their walk it is these 2 that usually go!

My mom or her friend that helps at the farm usually man the walks and I am inside the store. When I ask kids who they walked and I get told the one with the cool hair. I know its Solomon. He has some of the best bangs I've ever seen on an alpaca!

We have gotten in some really awesome new socks. They are from the company that makes our therapeutic & crew socks. They come in a bunch of colors with adorable alpacas all over them!

The little goats are big enough now to be hanging out with all the big goats.

They love playing with Frankie & Grace. F&G were teaching Jiminy and Cricket how to head butt the other day!

Grace was on one side of the fence running back and forth and Cricket was racing after her on the other side of the fence!

This is one of my favorite pictures. Jiminy was hanging out with Cheddar on the log and just kept looking up at her. Definitely the favorite Aunty!

Cassie's baby now has a name. Casper! Isn't that adorable!?! And it fits so well with the season! He is the brightest white right now! And he loves a good nap!

Stop out tomorrow at our next Open House to visit them! We have a date for our November Open House now too! November 27th & 28th.

Hope to see you soon!


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