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Summer in the Time of Coronavirus


I really meant to write more this summer, I really did. Does anyone else feel like there are all these people online that have so much time on their hands with everything shut down (I know that there are plenty of people in states that have opened things back up, but here in Minnesota there is very limited amounts of things open) but you are busier than ever? That's the way its been around here!

We've been busy with a lot of alpaca experiences. People have been wanting something to do with everything closed and I am so grateful for all these individuals that have been coming out to visit the alpacas! Eartag is super into his new gig as number 1 walker. When he sees me grab a lead rope he comes running over to the gate hoping he gets to go for a walk!

There have been 5 babies born this summer. Mystea had her baby one in June and Cassie was the last to have hers a week and a half ago.

Our hay guy, Jim, passed away so we had to get all the hay we usually store at his farm until late fall because his family will be selling the farm. We got at least a dozen loads and have hay coming out of our ears and stored anywhere we could fit it.

We are working on getting our Fall Open Houses arranged so that we can still have them but that we are still safe regarding Covid-19 for us and our guests and that we meet all the regulations! Visit our events page to find out more!

That's all for now!



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